The Network of Regional Skills Fora was created in 2016 as part of the Irish governments National Skills Strategy to provide an opportunity for employers and the education and training system to work together to meet the emerging skills needs of their regions. The aim of the fora being to provide:
1. A single contact point in each region to help employers connect with the range of services and supports available across the education and training system.
2. More robust labour market information and analysis of employer needs.
3. Greater collaboration and utilisation of resources across the education and training system.
On June 14th, DROMONE hosted a Regional Skills Workshop with local businesses and the Regional Skills team. Joining us from the team were Siobhan Keogh (Forum Manager), Mick Brougham (Forum Chairman), Ray Murphy (LMETB), and Gillian Moran from Maynooth University. The following companies attended the Workshop: Flood Flooring, Gibney’s Steel Products, Briody Holdings Ltd, Gem Plastics, Mergon International, and Wellman International.
The day started with a plant tour facilitated by our Agriculture Production Manager, Jess Dooner. A number of our employees gave excellent presentations to the visitors on some of DROMONE’s ongoing business objectives and activities:
1. Our Lean Journey- Philip Gillic (Process Engineering Manager)
2. Construction Business Unit Project- Kevin Quinlan (Construction Product Operations Manager)
3. CPD and Skills Gap Analysis- Mary Magee (Human Resources Manager)
4. Supplier Development- Brian James (Supplier Development Engineer)
5. Challenge Innovation Programme- Thomas Barron (Process Engineer)
Siobhan Keogh facilitated an open discussion on skills assessment across the industry sectors in the workshop to address issues such as: current skills needs, what skills are not currently catered for by the Educations and Training Providers, anticipated skills growth areas, how might the skills pipeline be improved, how might the work readiness of graduated be improved and how can the structure improve to enable employers to become more involved. We received very positive feedback on this Skills Workshop from the visiting companies delegates, and the Regional Skills team. We are eagerly awaiting the next stage in the process.